Tuesday, 18 October 2011

LOTD 14 - Dickhead & Sugar Booger

okay ill make a quick post because its hmmmm 12:26pm right now and i haven't sleep yet >.< if you wondering whos dickhead and sugar booger .. well its super easy .. im sugar booger *waves* anyway my friend Guta Dinzeo gave that awesome shirt to my boyfriend and damn ! i love it XD well it helps alot when a awesome guy wears it <3
Guta's shirts/hoodies are very well made BUT if you're a shortie like me ... it will be a real pain (DUDE you should make a kids section for people like me ! ) 
He's very friendly and nice so if you have some problems with the prim .. im sure he will help you or i will kick his little ass 
dont be shy and TP to ..:: Nowhere ::.. you never know you might find something for you... bf/gf...or your friends !

Skin + Eyeliner: [CheerNo]-DALLAS:Dark_Sunny
Eyes: Amacci ~ Gaze Eyes - Earth
Hair: [-B-] Eric / +Blonde Pack+
Shirt: ..:: Nowhere ::.. Heartbreaker
Pants: Ronsem Cargo in black (pants/shorts)
Shoes: {Elygo}  Slip-On (Checkers) 
Finger tapes: *Linc* Finger Tapes Dollarbie
Ears: AITUI - (Type 2) Stretched Ears   [Human, 1/2"]
Piercings: [-B-] :Basic Piercings Liprings L & R (1L)
Legs tattoo: Letis Tattoo ::  Sweet Skull (legs) :: <<< New
Arms tattoo: Letis Tattoo :: ETERNITY  (upperbody) :: <<< New
Mouthie: {W&R} Gimme your tongue - Hmm Licorice <<< New
Bracelets: .:Hermony:. - Wristlocker

Skin: -tb- {Light} C88 Dewy Skin - Dark Brows (C88 item)
Eyes: -tb- Jejune Light Brown Eyes
Hair: .:villena:. - hair LuAnn Brown #2 (PW item)
Shirt: .:: LC ::. Batman Shirt & Pantie Set 
Pants: ::TOXIC KITTY:: Capri pants 
Shoes: UBU PornStar Lo-Tops
Glasses: *Epic* Black Nerd Glasses
Piercings: :Hebenon Vial: Anonymous

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