Saturday, 25 February 2012

LOTD 46 - baby

{W&R}released 2 new items:

Oola Shape: 

and to be honest i like it more than my first one ^_^
Oola shape is a shortie,feminine and curvy shape  
Shape is copy/mod/no trans
and PLEASE try the demo first .. it's FREE !!!!!!!

btw if you want the style card .. just poke me in world  ( Almarea Firehawk)

Taste of SL

HK fans ? this is for you !!!!
Cute Kitty Glases
includes 4 colors,
100L - Saturday Only - 125L after Saturday  


Skin: ::[annaA]:: Skin "Honey" - light/red/clv2 <<< NEW
Hair: !lamb. Oleander - Ink
Outfit: *Epic* Dolly Patches Deux {Red}<333
Makeup: ..::Beauty Killer::.. Gothic Eyeshadows - Dollie Lashes

Friday, 24 February 2012

LOTD 45 Bite me - {W&R} HH item + Epic's fi*Friday item

well .. well 

it's a very early post.. almost 3:30am here but guess what ?!?! it's friday !!! whoo !!... okay so let's start with some sale 

" Exclusive unisex Gunmetal Digi Boots in pawed and hooved versions."

If you're a epic fan 
go get them... awesome quality as usual
ONLY 55L each.


Full body tattoo + pose 
My exclusive item for Horro Haute
Tattoo is tintable ^_^
100L for a limited time 


Skin: (Dernier Cri) Kassidy RFL - Cream 
Eyes: .ID. Opaline Eyes #1
Hair: [kik] hair-Tilda I(black) [edited]
Harness: Kyoot - Addicted to Dopamine Harness (Black) 
"Tape" Corset: SiniStyle Taped Guts
Corset: ** Lust Corset Red
Pants: [ SAKIDE ] Vintage Shiny Jeans Damask Faded Black <<< NEW
Digi Boots: *Epic* -fi*Friday- Banded Gunmetal Digi Boots <<<NEW
Piercing #1: {W&R} Bios - Piercing <<< NEW
Piercing #2: Bite Me piercing [made by Hitomu Resident] <3
Collar: ++PE++ Saint Neck Brace
Makeup: ..::Beauty Killer::.. Gothic Eyeshadows - Dollie Lashes
Teeth: .:VILLENA:. - Teeth
Pose: {W&R}


Wednesday, 22 February 2012

LOTD 44 - Cutie Pie

Morning ^_-

Looking for some nice mouthies ? well you should see what *epic* has for you for the Perfect Wardrobe 

"They come with and without particles, and are in 3 colors: Wood Nymph Green, Fire Faerie Red, and Water Nymph Blue" 55L each.
Taxi: Here


NEW Basic Girl Pose Set

Cute & feminine pose set
copy/no mod/no trans

{W&R} - Bios - Piercing
copy/mod/no trans

Taxi: {W&R}

Skin: ::[annaA]:: Skin "Honey" - light/red/clv1<<< NEW
Hair: >TRUTH< Leesa - fairyfloss
Shirt: V&M Kitty X-Bones (Purple)
Hoodie: AMERIE - Parka_Ladys(Dot) <333
Pants: DeeTaleZ pants EXTREME lowrise jeans black
Shoes: *Epic* Skully Bow Ballet Flats {Purple}
Glasses: *Epic* Kyoot Nerdy Glasses! {Hot Pink}1L
Piercing: {W&R} Bios - Piercing
Pose: {W&R}

Monday, 20 February 2012

LOTD 43 - Cartoon Heroes

i'm a huge fan of ::[annaA]:: her shapes are very nice and cheap imo... and guess what ?
she released 2 awesome .. no really AWESOME skins

 skins comes in 2 colors ( Tan and Light ) 
and 4 colors of lipsticks (599L each or 1,399L Factpack)
Pink is my fav <333


Skin: ::[annaA]:: Skin "Honey" - light/pink/clv1/frx <<< NEW 
Hair: !lamb. Heart - Chewed Bubble Gum
 Eyes: .ID. Opaline Eyes #1
Shirt: -tb- C88 Graphic Tee - Leopard Cross
Skirt: *BOOM* Verie Mini Skirt (Black)
Legs: *Epic* Black Demon Legs <33
Makeup: ..::Beauty Killer::.. Gothic Eyeshadows - Dollie Lashes
Piercing:{W&R} Bios - Piercing <<< NEW


Finally .. a bigger place for my baby <333
a huge Thanks to my awesome BF .. i love you so much ^_^
please change your lm !!!


Saturday, 18 February 2012

LOTD 42 - Kawaii Kitten

Skin: (Dernier Cri) Kassidy RFL - Cream
Eyes: .ID. Anime Eyes - Blue 1
Hair: !lamb. Oleander - Ink <<< NEW - Thanks Babe <3
Top: AMERIE - Preppy tops_01
Skirt: AMERIE - Airy skirt_03
Kitty Ears + Whiskers: +PE+ Feral Set -Black
Tail: +PE+ Munkey ( Soot )
Legs: *Epic* Basic Digi Legs {Black}
Piercing: [ni.Ju] Overload Piercing_01 DARK

Friday, 17 February 2012

LOTD 41 - Classy


i'm not very a fan of dresses but i couldn't resist when i saw that pretty dress form Kyoot for C88...
the thing i don't like about dresses is most of them will make me look slutty (well it's my opinion) but not this dress
it's kinda simple and classy .. i really like <3

oh and looking for a cheap good skin ? [PF]  might have a little something for you.. you can get a nice cute skin for only 99L .. but it's only for limited time !

Skin: [PF] Alyx <Honey>  - Candy Hearts (dkbrow) [Only 99L] <<< NEW
Shape: ::[annaA]:: Body Shape "Shaina" <<< NEW
Hair: [e] Abbey - Black 04 <<< NEW - Mesh
Dress: Kyoot - Bronte Dress (Earnshaw) [C88 Item] <<< NEW
Tattoo Teeth: .:VILLENA:. - Teeth

Thursday, 16 February 2012

LOTD 40 - Elfie + {W&R} Poses

hihi ! 

i know.. the blog seems a bit dead these days but hey i have a other great style for you today ^_^
i worked alot on my store... mhmm new poses and more ^_-

Skin: (Dernier Cri) Kassidy RFL - Cream
Hair: (love) hair - [bevel] red
Eyes: .ID. Opaline Eyes #1
Shirt: *Epic* Basic Sexy Henley Tee {Teal}
Jacket: Emery - Jacket Roxe #Black
Pants: [ SAKIDE ] Vintage Shiny Jeans Damask Faded Black <<< NEW
Boots: Kbootshoes-black-XS
Tattoo: .:villena:. - Stay Gold light (fem)
Tail:  *Epic* Kyoot Succubus' Heart Tail {Flesh}-{Roped}-
Teeth Tattoo: .:VILLENA:. - Teeth
Piercing: [ni.Ju] Overload Piercing_01 DARK


New poses:

 cute huh ? lol .. they are copy/mod/no trans
and ya know what .. they are cheap too ! 
only 75 each.
oh and you can try demo in store !

Taxi: {W&R}

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

LOTD 39 - Hipster Faun is Hipster

i'm not feeling good right so i'll do it quick and easy XD
i'll add more infos later .. sowie :/

Skin: [Ill] Illusory Skin - Love_Milk - Scarlett [C88 Item] NEW
Hair: Clawtooth: Heavy Reader - Delicious wine [C88 Item] NEW
Eyes: [ESUGA] Deep Blue Eyes
Dress: *T.Whore*-  Cardigan Dress White
Pants: [ SAKIDE ] Worn Corduroy Pants Black
Hoofs: *Epic* Kyoot Heart Digi Warmers {Black}[PW Item] NEW
Necklace: (Yummy) Classic Literature Necklace - Single [C88 Item] NEW
Glasses: *Epic* Black Nerd Glasses {Black} 
Tattoo: [Sleepy Bozer] Love Kills Slowly (Color) <33
Piercing: :Hebenon Vial: Anonymous
Teeth tattoo: .:VILLENA:. - Teeth
Bow: [Y.M.X.] hair bow headband black [edited]